Identifying the words Alibaba customers search to find and purchase products is at the heart of setting up a storefront on Alibaba. We use a sophisticated process, which has been carefully created and rigorously tested, for identifying targeted keywords to allow your products to be indexed and searchable by Alibaba’s search algorithm as well as for Alibaba advertising campaigns using surveys and keyword research software.
We look at immediate competitors, top-performing products in the category, and other similar products to study revenue and reviews on how businesses shop on Alibaba. We use top-of-the-line tools including, but not limited to (tool names?)amongst many others to provide statistical data-based research to make strategic business decisions.
The goal of the product listing is to make your product more discoverable and improve the conversion rate from potential customers clicking on a listing to converting into a purchase. We use a smart product posting approach in which the information gathered from site data to write our clients’ product detail page content (title, bullet points, product description, back-end search terms).
It’s essential that the content communicates the product value and aligns with the search terms customers use to search for the product. We write all of our content in-house using our best practice knowledge of the Alibaba algorithm. If you are just getting started on Alibaba, we will write all the content from scratch. If you are already selling on Alibaba, we will look at the current content and rewrite and optimize content as needed. Product photography services are also offered. The photography is executed based on Alibaba’s guidelines and requirements based on individual product categories.
Once a product listing is set up on the storefront, we focus on finding the right buyers for your products and use Alibaba advertising and tools to market directly to them. In this, we increase exposure and conversations through product showcases, keyword advertising, request for quotation, and sitewide promotions.
We set up the architecture of our clients’ advertising campaigns utilizing best practices of custom campaigns based on geography, click history, smart recommendations, and more. We use carefully developed signature techniques such as showcase product & PPC to create an effective strategy. These techniques have been heavily experimented on and tested to develop the most effective methods of campaign management. Our services include an in-house graphic design team to design aesthetically pleasing ads.
These activities need to be updated and modified on a constant basis as Alibaba’s algorithm is constantly evolving, and new techniques need to be implemented to market the listing effectively. Our team studies and researches the algorithm constantly to ensure that our marketing activities and strategies always stay ahead of the curve. The ranking function of the algorithm includes various factors such as keyword research, transaction history, price point, competitor performance, listing age, and so forth. All of these factors need to be targeted individually to ensure the product ranking stays on top and ahead of competitors. Historical data represents that most of the sales on Alibaba are derived from the top 30 listings, and that is the rank we always aim for.
This service offering represents the most important part of selling on Alibaba for sellers. This is a part of our project-based model and is also provided as an individual service. It has been developed for organizations to get detailed insights about their product performance in Alibaba’s dynamic marketplace. We keep track of a client’s portfolio of offerings in great detail and come up with suggestions from site-based algorithms and playbooks from industry experts.
The analysis and reporting process encompasses all of the elements of our product research service, as discussed previously, and additionally includes the specific intrinsic factors of the organization. The report helps B2B sellers visualize their store’s metrics and historical data through a statistical analysis of the portfolio in great detail using state of the art, dedicated data- scraping and analytics. In addition to that, the report also includes an updated industry analysis in which a detailed demand analysis, trend analysis, price comparisons, and more take place to determine the state of the seller’s product category as well as the product performance. The report concludes with intelligent suggestions which in turn contribute to effective selling.
We care deeply about the success of your business on Alibaba’s marketplace and advertising platform. Our mission is to assist our clients in realizing their mission by managing their Alibaba sales channel through strategic guidance, keyword research, product listing copywriting, running Alibaba advertising, and managerial reporting.
Once a product listing is set up on the storefront, we focus on finding the right buyers for your products and use Alibaba advertising and tools to market directly to them.
Identifying the words Alibaba customers search to find and purchase products is at the heart of setting up a storefront on Alibaba.
The goal of the product listing is to make your product more discoverable and improve the conversion rate from potential customers clicking on a listing to converting into a purchase.
This service offering represents the most important part of selling on Alibaba for sellers. This is a part of our project-based model and is also provided as an individual service.
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Our aim is to find activities, promotions, and tactics that generate profits.
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Fsl Intl. has always outdone themselves with the services they provide. I have been receiving e-commerce consultancy from them for over a year now and 99% of the time the consultancy they provide is extremely effective.
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We developed a great customer-supplier relationship with FSL Intl, they are extremely professional to work with.
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- Kim Wilkinson